This Maffeii quote actually says Ianambuxos on the page linked ! —Myces Tiberinus 07:42 sep 3, 2005 (UTC)

Yeah, go fig. I think there might be more editions online, I suppose we shoudl see if they repeat the error. I KNOW 山伏 are mentioned in at least one other place in that book, but I can't find it now. --Iustinus 04:10 sep 5, 2005 (UTC)
Well there is one other online edition[1], and if you go to page "544" (by the script's count, not by the page number, which is actually 513), you can see that there too it reads Ianambuxos... so unless we can find this other page whwere they're mentioned, I guess we're stuck with that form. Unless you think it represents another word entirely. --Iustinus 04:47 sep 5, 2005 (UTC)
Revertere ad "山伏".