I think that "John" is not "Iohannes" but "Ioannes", the previous pope was "Ioannes Paulus II" Szwejk 13:20 apr 23, 2005 (UTC)

Ioannes is the Latin adaptation of the Greek Ἰωάννης, and Iohannes imports its h from the original Hebrew יוחנן (Iohannan), perhaps reinforced by the occasional use of h to show hiatus (e.g. "Israhel" for "Israël"). Both are valid, though the popes do appear to be officially Ioannes, and apparently Ioannes gets more google hits than Iohannes does; for what it's worth, Lexicon Universale refers "Joannes" and "Joanna" [1] to "Johannes" and "Johanna" [2]. (See also w:Talk:Iohannes Keplerus.) As this is just an example, you can change it if you think it'd be less confusing to people... —Myces Tiberinus 19:35 apr 23, 2005 (UTC)
Revertere ad "nomen".