Quantum redactiones paginae "Victionarium:Exemplum" differant

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The spacing following occurences of '''bold''' collapses. Use &nbsp, since &emsp produces too big a gap.
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Hic titulus aliis titulis lemmatis praecedit. Repleas istum formulam '''<nowiki>{{-xx-}}</nowiki>''' &nbsp;ponens, ubi <var> xx </var> linguam secundum schema ISO 639 breuiter reddit (vide s.v. [[Project:Nomina linguarum|nomina et notae linguarum]]). Tales formulae linguam uerbi referent paginam autem in linguae categoria ponent.
Si pluria verba eiusdem linguae eandem formam scriptam haberent, titulis numeros affigas: '''<nowiki>{{-xx-}} I</nowiki>''', '''<nowiki>{{-xx-}} II</nowiki>''', &nbsp;etc.
This heading superordinates the other headings of the entry. To fill it one would generally use the templates of the form '''<nowiki>{{-xx-}}</nowiki>''' where ''xx'' &nbsp;is an ISO 639 code (for a list of languages and language codes, see [[Project:Nomina linguarum|the list of languages and language codes]]). These templates give the name of the language, a link to the language's project page, and place the page in the language's category.
<p>If there is more than one word in the language spelled the same way, use multiple numbered headings: '''<nowiki>{{-xx-}} I</nowiki>''', '''<nowiki>{{-xx-}} II</nowiki>''', &nbsp;etc.
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'''Appellatio dictionis.'''&emspnbsp; Schemate API utaris.&emspnbsp; Transcriptio simplex phonemica praefertur, in signis // ponenda.&emspnbsp; Clavi appellationum ([[Auxilium:Appellatio Anglica Americae|ut huic Anglo-Americanae generali]]) nectas.&emspnbsp; Transcriptionem phoneticam, in signis [], etiam apponere libet.&emspnbsp; Si appellationes uariae (sicut dialectorum aliarum, vel formarum inflexarum vel anomalium) inveniantur, singulas a capite ponas, et quamcumque annotes.
<p>Exemplum recitationis [[Template:audio|audio]] est, qua ita utaris: <nowiki>{{</nowiki>audio|media=''nomen documenti.ogg''|ipa=''transscriptio IPA''|''aliae notae''}}.
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<p>Recitationes colligendae apud situm [[commons:Commons:Pronunciation files requests|Commons:Pronunciation files requests]] (Anglice) commendantur.
'''The word's pronunciation.''' &nbsp;Use IPA. A simple phonemic transcription is preferred, and is used between slashes //. Link to a pronunciation key page ([[Auxilium:Appellatio Anglica Americae|an example for GenAm]]). A phonetic transcription can also be added, between brackets []. Multiple pronunciations (for example, differing dialects, irregular/inflected forms) go on different lines with a note saying which is what.
<p>The template for a sound is [[Template:audio|audio]], used thus: <nowiki>{{</nowiki>audio|media=''filename.ogg''|ipa=''IPA transcription''|''other notes''}}
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'''Aliae formae eiusdem dictionis.'''&nbsp; Haec pars potest complecti indicem simplicem vel annotatum (indicans menda frequentia, formas contractas, declinationes alias, etc.), vel descriptionem plenissimam (tamquam in [[ab]]).
'''Other spellings of the word.'''&nbsp; This section can be a simple list, annotated (mentioning common misspellings, contracted forms, other declensions, etc.), or a full-out description as in [[ab]].
Linea 66:
'''Notatio dictionis.'''&emspnbsp; Dictiones quae notationi sunt, '''litteris grauibus'''&zwnjnbsp; et cum nexu scribas.&emspnbsp; (Formula [[Template:v|v]]&zwnjnbsp; iuuat, quae etiam linguam annotat, ut <nowiki>{{v|cu|пьсъ}}</nowiki>, quod aliquando litteris slavicis legi spera.)&emspnbsp; Dictiones priscas in ''litteris cursivis''&zwnjnbsp; et sine nexu scribas (quia formis uariis scriptae lemmata non merentur).&emspnbsp; Nexum ad indicem dictionum radicis eius (vide [[:Category:Radices]]) etiam addere libet.&emspnbsp; Cura ut loca addas, si potes.
'''The word's etymology.'''&nbsp; Words involved in the etymology appear in '''bold''' and are linked. (You can use the [[Template:v|v]]&nbsp; template, which also marks for language, for example <nowiki>{{v|cu|пьсъ}}</nowiki>, which proper browsers will someday be smart enough to render in a style appropriate for Church Slavonic.) Protolanguage words are in ''italic'' and not linked (they are generally too unstable in form or spelling; they don'tdo not get entries). A link to the index of words from this root (see [[:Category:Radices]]) can also be put here explicitly. Be sure to list sources, if you can.
Linea 77:
'''[[Project:Partes orationis|Pars orationis]]'''nbsp; in titulo; partes principales, genus, definitioque dictionis. Exemplum editoriale etiam hic potest poneri.
* Virgula "|" indicat ubi radix finit et inflexio incipit. Si inflexio additur fini lemmatis sine alia mutatione, virgula omitte, et praepone interductum oscillatum{{dubsig}} (vel "titulus"{{dubsig}}) "~" inflexionibus: '''fulgŭr, ~ŭris'''.
Linea 86:
'''Part of speech'''nbsp; in the header; principal parts, gender, and definition. An editorial example can go here as well.
* The bar is used to show where the stem ends and the endings begin. If the ending is added on to the end of the headword without any other modification, the bar is omitted, and the swung dash (or tilde) is prepended to the endings: '''fulgŭr, ~is'''.
* Use macrons and breves here: many dictionaries don't use breves, but we need to know whether vowels are actually short, or whether the contributor failed to mark them or just didn't know what the lengths were (this is especially a problem in neologisms).
Linea 98:
'''Exemplum inflexionis''' &nbsp;hic scribitur. Potest manu facere tabulam, sed iam sunt multae formulae (quas potest sub linguae inceptus pagina invenire).
The '''inflection template''' &nbsp;goes here. You can do it by hand, but there are many templates in place already (which should be linked from the language's project page, or a subpage thereof; they may also be in [[:Category:§ Exempla inflexionis]] or the older category [[:Categoria:Formulae declinationum]], <small>which predates the [[:Project:Categoriae#Wiktionary|§ name scheme for meta categories]]</small> and should eventually get moved). Many require the principal parts to be entered twice (once without macrons etc. for linking, and once with for display).