Clingonee +/-

Appellatio +/-

  • /ˈboʔɖɛɣ/

Notatio +/-

Fortasse pro Sinu Bodega in California, quod hic pellicula nomine The Birds (i.e. Aves) expressa est.

Fons: Puns in the Vocabulary of tlhIngan Hol (Lusus Verborum in Lexico Clingoneo)

Nomen substantivum +/-


  1. avis (-is, fem.) ||

Declinatio +/-

sing. plur. plur. dispers.
nom. boʼDegh [[{{{2}}}]] boʼDeghmey
loc. boʼDeghDaq [[{{{2}}}Daq]] boʼDeghmeyDaq
abl. boʼDeghvoʼ [[{{{2}}}voʼ]] boʼDeghmeyvoʼ
caus. boʼDeghmoʼ [[{{{2}}}moʼ]] boʼDeghmeymoʼ
dat. boʼDeghvaD [[{{{2}}}vaD]] boʼDeghmeyvaD
top. boʼDeghʼeʼ [[{{{2}}}ʼeʼ]] boʼDeghmeyʼeʼ

Vide etiam +/-