Disputatio Auxilii:Declinatio Latina
Latest comment: abhinc 10 menses by XEarthAndMoonX in topic "cum locativum" should be "cum locativo"
wtf.. delere? --BiT 12:41, 23 Decembris 2006 (UTC)
- And isn't it "veni, vidi, vici"?--BiT 12:43, 23 Decembris 2006 (UTC)
- Hic nomines adspectimus, non verba. Martinus 04:01, 8 Septembris 2008 (UTC)
"cum locativum" should be "cum locativo"
+/-In the paragraph "Prima declinatio", sub-paragraph "Exempla" (https://la.wiktionary.org/wiki/Auxilium:Declinatio_Latina#Exempla) stands: "Rōma, -ae f. (cum locativum; singulare tantum)", but it has to be "... cum locativo ...". "cum" has the ablative case, not the accusative. I have fixed that. XEarthAndMoonX (disputatio) 17:22, 14 Februarii 2024 (UTC)